My family and Adam drove me to the airport and walked me to the gate. It was so sweet to have them see me off. In some ways I feel like I am being silly, 5 months is nothing and I will be back before I know it (unfortunately). In other ways I am a bit scared about the homesickness that may or may not come. Regardless, it is all so great.
(Okay, time to invest in a sharpie.)
Having never left the country though, everything was a new experience from endless free mimosas on the plane, to being the person with the accent, to the fact that there are actually double decker trolleys in london (that's not just in Harry Potter). For the record, I didn't get to explore London. I had an 8 hour layover during which I had to switch airports and sneak a nap in. So really, my only London experience was focused around people watching. At one point I tried to order a 12 oz coffee and the barista just looked at me blank faced and said "what?".
I am convinced that mimosas are the only reason I was able to sleep on the flight.
Stepping off the plane, the first thing I saw was a British girl puke her guts out in the middle of the airport. That stands for good luck, right? As the British would say, bless her. After that I collected my bus ticket to the next airport and left from Heathrow to Gatwick. People drive on the opposite side of the road, everything is in Celcius and Kilometers, they actually say "bloody hell" and they call you "love and daaaahling." Oh, and some of them hate us. Listening to British children talk to eachother is probably the cutest thing there is, and they do actually drink a ton of tea.
My favorite thing about the London airports were the classic telephone booths they have, which now are super fancy and futuristic and have skype calling and touch screens. I also loved their "Royal Mail" posts, and how chipper a lot of the people were. I definitely plan to return to London/The UK and explore in depth.
Are you from the UK/ have you spent a significant amount of time in London? I definitely plan to travel there again during my stay but would like to have an awesome itinerary in mind beforehand. I will continue to post about my arrival in France & all my European adventures soon so stay posted!
xoxo, fal.
can't wait to read more! xoxo